As you are aware, not all recipes are keepers in the beginning. It takes a pretty incredible recipe to take a spot up in my recipe box. They may not all be keepers but to me they all have potential with a few adjustments, a zillion tastes and sometimes a lot of groceries.
I’m going to share with you what it took for the evolution of what I can now call my own recipe for a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

It had started off with me saving a link for a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie from a website I frequent often. I recently decided to give it a try since I have a ton of frozen pumpkin puree. The ingredients looked good to me, so I gave it a whirl and was excited to sip on this treat. Well, lets just say I was slightly disappointed. The flavours did not go nicely together, the spices were too powerful and the colour wasn’t pretty. Not a recipe worth repeating, unless…. I fix it up!
I had high hopes for this delicious sounding smoothie, so I wasn’t about to give up. Over the week I sipped on this smoothie about six times, making adjustments to each attempt. I wanted it to be perfect so I could add to my recipe box. It went from too sweet, to too runny, not enough spice, wrong spice, not enough nutrients and finally to a perfect blend.
And this my friend, is the procedure to developing a recipe. You know its perfect when you have tested it so many times that you can’t even think of having another taste. This recipe is now a keeper.
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie